Ok, more sightings at an airport! Similar to Calgary International (YYC) , San Diego International (SAN) has APs mounted right outside the terminal along the arrivals/departures road. SAN is using Cisco 1552s.

SAN Taxi Line AP
I’m sure the metal-wrapped cement column does wonders for the signal in the Taxi line. Also not sure why these APs are carrying the SSID for the conference room?

What was cool though was in the rental center garage, there were APs everywhere.

SAN Rental Car Garage
Those look like Cisco 2700e APs to me mounted inside a nifty enclosure with a glass/plastic door. With some blinky rope lighting, those things could almost pass as a Flux Capacitor. In a testament to how awesome San Diego’s weather is, they’re using an indoor AP in an unheated, open air garage. Jealous. 😎
I’m not familiar with the type of antenna mounted to the underside of the enclosure (the white rectangle), however it looks like it could be a Cisco AIR-ANT2451V-R which is a dual-band, omnidirectional ceiling mounted antenna. What’s most interesting to me is that most of the APs in the garage were showing a green LED indicating no devices were associated. Doing passive scanning only perhaps? Unfortunately I forgot to get a list of SSIDs being broadcast. 😕
Here are two more at the exit gate. I wonder if their being mounted directly over the attendant stations is significant? The AP on the right is the only one I saw with a blue LED (clients are associated).

SAN Rental Car Garage